R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll"




For a short story time. I was at the public library today looking for some books and working on my current projects. While I was looking at my personal computers I could not keep myself from being distracted by the guy next to me. His screen was constantly changing colors. He was on really close from his screen like 30 cm from the images. I looked at what he was doing and he was on YouTube watching these vertical videos copied TikTok. He was passively watching the videos one after an others without much reaction simply a click on the keyboard from time to time. This clicking in silence lasted for more than 2 hours. I was aware of the popularity of short form content but I was there at a library watching and full grown adult in his mid-20s literally getting life sucked away from him. Talking or trying to talk to him for a minute I just gave up I was talking to somekind of zombie.I don't know how you guys feel but the Social Media is literally taking away people's lives at the figurative and the literal.Say all you want about the urgency regarding artificial intelligence safety or the missions to man's life to Mars. In the western civilization where technology was supposed to bring happiness and best work the same technology is being used to manipulate get people addicted application that didn't know her need or want and at the end of the day it's making them depressed. An actual generation is getting erased. Getting feed an oversimplified representation of the world decreasing drastically their attention span. On top of all giving them a false sense of connections and meaning. The answers from others platforms was to copy the same model because it is obviously working and to lobby for their retirement from US soil because who is better at killing our kids than our own software. We are watching people become Zombie in front of our eyes and applauding Meta for their increase in User Watch time. it's not good for the well-being of those person, their society at large because who wants to be matched with addicted individuals and even worse for the economy this is such a short-term look at things where millions of people adults and teens will need therapy because their vision of the world as been altered or their hyperreality will not fit and they will blame the reality to not ressemble the world painted in their imaginary world.We need young leaders on that topics, effective activities and cooperation from within the tech community with the advancement of these algorithms it will only make these behavioural hacking better and people will be manipulated.To see a generation die like this to see their life stolen would be disastrous.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/EffectiveAltruism - The Generation of Scroll"




For a short story time. I was at the public library today looking for some books and working on my current projects. While I was looking at my personal computers I could not keep myself from being distracted by the guy next to me. His screen was constantly changing colors. He was on really close from his screen like 30 cm from the images. I looked at what he was doing and he was on YouTube watching these vertical videos copied TikTok. He was passively watching the videos one after an others without much reaction simply a click on the keyboard from time to time. This clicking in silence lasted for more than 2 hours. I was aware of the popularity of short form content but I was there at a library watching and full grown adult in his mid-20s literally getting life sucked away from him. Talking or trying to talk to him for a minute I just gave up I was talking to somekind of zombie.I don't know how you guys feel but the Social Media is literally taking away people's lives at the figurative and the literal.Say all you want about the urgency regarding artificial intelligence safety or the missions to man's life to Mars. In the western civilization where technology was supposed to bring happiness and best work the same technology is being used to manipulate get people addicted application that didn't know her need or want and at the end of the day it's making them depressed. An actual generation is getting erased. Getting feed an oversimplified representation of the world decreasing drastically their attention span. On top of all giving them a false sense of connections and meaning. The answers from others platforms was to copy the same model because it is obviously working and to lobby for their retirement from US soil because who is better at killing our kids than our own software. We are watching people become Zombie in front of our eyes and applauding Meta for their increase in User Watch time. it's not good for the well-being of those person, their society at large because who wants to be matched with addicted individuals and even worse for the economy this is such a short-term look at things where millions of people adults and teens will need therapy because their vision of the world as been altered or their hyperreality will not fit and they will blame the reality to not ressemble the world painted in their imaginary world.We need young leaders on that topics, effective activities and cooperation from within the tech community with the advancement of these algorithms it will only make these behavioural hacking better and people will be manipulated.To see a generation die like this to see their life stolen would be disastrous.
- No location available