R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”"




t its worst it looks like someone checked out from life, dissociated from their body and emotions, as absent from you as they are absent from themselves. A low-level of perpetual burnout symptoms.Extreme survival mechanisms, going through the motions of routines and responsibilities to grasp at a sense of normalcy and pride that is lacking from within. Contingent self-esteem rather than genuine self-esteem.Concerned with -isms like workaholicism, game addiction, porn addiction, substance addiction. Seeking for control, a way to pull through, dulling through creature comforts.A "deer in the headlights" - freezing/fleeing. Preoccupation with the bears on the road.Hungering to be seen deep within, but due to inability to accept and be compassionate with themselves, avoiding this. Private and secretive. Superficial.Overestimation of responsibility, powerlessness towards uncertainty, shame towards imagined defectiveness.Unimaginative to reflect on other perspectives. Too stuck in analytical paralysis to properly problemsolve. Overcomplication and tendency towards pessimism due to risk-aversion. Easy to give up.In denial towards their deeper desires in rejection of facing up to fears and inner-demons. Cowardly in that sense.Despite all these things, I think highly of the avoidants in my life. Also would like to note that I have come a long way to heal my own avoidance (I'm FA).On the positive side, I find that avoidants have so much more empathy than they get credit for. It's not that difficult for me to notice. They are subtle in their expression, hiding how beautifully deep they are and how much they really do care.They are sensitive individuals who are typically very concerned for particular social justice/world issues, and also willing to put in a lot energy, time and resources for interests and causes that they believe in. They do this without requiring or expecting any applause or credit. It comes straight from the heart.I find avoidants to be loyal friends and more willing than most to support you in a time of need. I feel they are able to be non-judgemental and deeply sympathetic to the plight of their friends.I think they are secretly the most romantic attachment style; they have a rich inner-fantasy world. They are dreamers.
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Attachment_theory - Comment by U/Si_vis_amari__ama on ”[deleted by User]”"




t its worst it looks like someone checked out from life, dissociated from their body and emotions, as absent from you as they are absent from themselves. A low-level of perpetual burnout symptoms.Extreme survival mechanisms, going through the motions of routines and responsibilities to grasp at a sense of normalcy and pride that is lacking from within. Contingent self-esteem rather than genuine self-esteem.Concerned with -isms like workaholicism, game addiction, porn addiction, substance addiction. Seeking for control, a way to pull through, dulling through creature comforts.A "deer in the headlights" - freezing/fleeing. Preoccupation with the bears on the road.Hungering to be seen deep within, but due to inability to accept and be compassionate with themselves, avoiding this. Private and secretive. Superficial.Overestimation of responsibility, powerlessness towards uncertainty, shame towards imagined defectiveness.Unimaginative to reflect on other perspectives. Too stuck in analytical paralysis to properly problemsolve. Overcomplication and tendency towards pessimism due to risk-aversion. Easy to give up.In denial towards their deeper desires in rejection of facing up to fears and inner-demons. Cowardly in that sense.Despite all these things, I think highly of the avoidants in my life. Also would like to note that I have come a long way to heal my own avoidance (I'm FA).On the positive side, I find that avoidants have so much more empathy than they get credit for. It's not that difficult for me to notice. They are subtle in their expression, hiding how beautifully deep they are and how much they really do care.They are sensitive individuals who are typically very concerned for particular social justice/world issues, and also willing to put in a lot energy, time and resources for interests and causes that they believe in. They do this without requiring or expecting any applause or credit. It comes straight from the heart.I find avoidants to be loyal friends and more willing than most to support you in a time of need. I feel they are able to be non-judgemental and deeply sympathetic to the plight of their friends.I think they are secretly the most romantic attachment style; they have a rich inner-fantasy world. They are dreamers.
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