R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”"




This is fatal for a relationship -- when one person wants it more than the other. Regarding the pain you will cause her, I offer you this story.I grew up in So. Cal, where as kids many of us had “flexys.” Basically, these were sleds on wheels. It had been many years since I’d been on one, when I found one in the garage of a friend. His garage opened onto an alley with a long steep hill leading away from it. I hopped on the flexy for a ride. I was sitting upright, steering with my feet. And as it picked up speed, it started shaking. It was still a long way from the bottom of the hill, so I knew I would eventually lose it. I couldn’t put my feet down, because they were bare. I was wearing swimming shorts and a tee shirt. I figured that the longer I waited, the more damage I was going to do. I needed to end it now, and on my terms. So I just ripped the flexy from beneath me and took it on my butt. The asphalt wore through the swim trunks in the first 2 feet, and I rode along for 10 more. For a week I’d come home from school and sit in the tub to soak the underwear off my raw ass.But never did I question my decision. Act now, because the longer you wait, the worse it will be.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Konold on ”I'm Not Sexually Attracted to My Girlfriend of Two Years. Do You Think I Should End the Relationship?”"




This is fatal for a relationship -- when one person wants it more than the other. Regarding the pain you will cause her, I offer you this story.I grew up in So. Cal, where as kids many of us had “flexys.” Basically, these were sleds on wheels. It had been many years since I’d been on one, when I found one in the garage of a friend. His garage opened onto an alley with a long steep hill leading away from it. I hopped on the flexy for a ride. I was sitting upright, steering with my feet. And as it picked up speed, it started shaking. It was still a long way from the bottom of the hill, so I knew I would eventually lose it. I couldn’t put my feet down, because they were bare. I was wearing swimming shorts and a tee shirt. I figured that the longer I waited, the more damage I was going to do. I needed to end it now, and on my terms. So I just ripped the flexy from beneath me and took it on my butt. The asphalt wore through the swim trunks in the first 2 feet, and I rode along for 10 more. For a week I’d come home from school and sit in the tub to soak the underwear off my raw ass.But never did I question my decision. Act now, because the longer you wait, the worse it will be.
- No location available