R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”"




Hanging out with them just seems like a chore, not something you actually want to do.You're with them because you feel obligated, or you've been with them so long you're afraid to face life without them, you're afraid of missing out, etc., not because you love them.You're hitting relationship milestones because it's "the next logical step," or what you're "supposed to do." Not because you love them, or actually want to be with them.You find excuses not to spend time with them.Where you used to reply to their texts or emails, or return their calls, right away, you now take your sweet time doing so, or ignore them altogether.You don't argue or disagree on anything. Not because you actually agree on everything, but because you don't care anymore. Hashing things out is too exhausting.Or, it seems like all you ever do is fight, and sometimes those fights get downright nasty.You feel like you're being abused, or not treated the way you want to be.You don't feel like you're compatible anymore, if you ever were in the first place.You have cheated, or contemplated cheating.You find yourself fantasizing about being single, or seeing other people.You're "on a break."You don't feel physically attracted to them anymore, and you don't feel an emotional connection anymore.Every little thing they do drives you crazy. You're always finding something to complain about or criticize. Bonus points if what's driving you crazy now are things you found charming or endearing at the start of the relationship.If you have kids together, you're "staying together for the kids."If you are married or living together, it doesn't feel like you're a couple. It feels like you're just roommates.You feel like you've outgrown this person, or the relationship you have with them.You're resenting them.They're distancing themselves from you.It feels like you're the only one even trying to keep the relationship together; they've checked out.You've tried couples' therapy to work on your problems, but (despite attending multiple sessions and doing what the therapist recommends at home) it's not working, or you/your partner are going back to old habits.One or both of you have changed radically, and you're not compatible anymore.You're having doubts or second thoughts about this relationship.You no longer introduce them as your SO/spouse.The trust is gone from the relationship. You just know they're cheating, and you go looking for "evidence" in their emails/phone/belongings/etc.You've lost interest in things you liked doing with them.You're having less sex...and on the increasingly rare occasions you do have it, it just feels...empty. Like you're just "going through the motions." (Both literally and metaphorically.)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - Comment by U/Coffeeblossom on ”What Are Some Telltale Signs That the Relationship Is Over?”"




Hanging out with them just seems like a chore, not something you actually want to do.You're with them because you feel obligated, or you've been with them so long you're afraid to face life without them, you're afraid of missing out, etc., not because you love them.You're hitting relationship milestones because it's "the next logical step," or what you're "supposed to do." Not because you love them, or actually want to be with them.You find excuses not to spend time with them.Where you used to reply to their texts or emails, or return their calls, right away, you now take your sweet time doing so, or ignore them altogether.You don't argue or disagree on anything. Not because you actually agree on everything, but because you don't care anymore. Hashing things out is too exhausting.Or, it seems like all you ever do is fight, and sometimes those fights get downright nasty.You feel like you're being abused, or not treated the way you want to be.You don't feel like you're compatible anymore, if you ever were in the first place.You have cheated, or contemplated cheating.You find yourself fantasizing about being single, or seeing other people.You're "on a break."You don't feel physically attracted to them anymore, and you don't feel an emotional connection anymore.Every little thing they do drives you crazy. You're always finding something to complain about or criticize. Bonus points if what's driving you crazy now are things you found charming or endearing at the start of the relationship.If you have kids together, you're "staying together for the kids."If you are married or living together, it doesn't feel like you're a couple. It feels like you're just roommates.You feel like you've outgrown this person, or the relationship you have with them.You're resenting them.They're distancing themselves from you.It feels like you're the only one even trying to keep the relationship together; they've checked out.You've tried couples' therapy to work on your problems, but (despite attending multiple sessions and doing what the therapist recommends at home) it's not working, or you/your partner are going back to old habits.One or both of you have changed radically, and you're not compatible anymore.You're having doubts or second thoughts about this relationship.You no longer introduce them as your SO/spouse.The trust is gone from the relationship. You just know they're cheating, and you go looking for "evidence" in their emails/phone/belongings/etc.You've lost interest in things you liked doing with them.You're having less sex...and on the increasingly rare occasions you do have it, it just feels...empty. Like you're just "going through the motions." (Both literally and metaphorically.)
- No location available