R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?"




You need to actually believe in your partner. They are human just like you and should love you for the good and bad that makes you up. You want someone to be in the trenches with when everything feels like its falling apart
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Show your partner they matter
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Also you both need to keep developing your genuine interest in each other. You can’t compensate if your partner persistently maintains a lack of interest in you. Sometimes they just don’t want to spend time with you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Took me too long to figure that out.
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There's a good quote I found on reddit that I really try to remind myself of: "Even if you put 110% in yourself, you can only control 50% of the relationship." I take it to heart if I feel like I'm stretching myself thin and things are disbalanced in some relationship.
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Every time I'm upset and my partner doesn't realize it I have to stop myself and say "Communicate this, don't just sit and fester, ya goon."
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You're partner should be your ride or die. The foundation that doesn't falter.
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If something's wrong, tell your partner, and assure them that they can do the same.It sounds simple, but so many people keep things trapped inside, and it ruins marriages.
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the most important factor in a good marriage is choosing the right spouse in the first place. Someone who shares your values, who matches your level of (for lack of a better word) selflessness or selfishness, and someone who is going to grow in the same direction that you do over many years.That last one depends a lot on good luck.
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I read on reddit once a guy says he'll tell his kids "mom and I are gonna take a nap. Wake us in an hour so we can all clean up the house" kids are quite and never come to wake you up. Works like a charm so bedroom won't be as risky.
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It’s never you against her. Always you and her against the problem/world.
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I have learned to not default into “problem solving mode” whenever she wants to discuss an issue. I now ask if she wants me to listen or problem solve, which has helped avoid further frustrating her and improved our communication.
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Now I ask: “do you want me to listen, distract you from the problem, or problem solve”Sometimes my partner is too emotionally invested in an issue to be able to talk about it, so we might put on our favourite songs and have a dance in the kitchen, play a board game with our favourite LP on or go for a walk and get outside in nature.
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Ah yes, the THREE A's:Advice Affirmation AttentionI wish I'd known about this is a younger man. I pretty much self-destructed a few relationships in my early twenties because I didn't know when to nut up, put up or shut up when my GF was venting.
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Even though you’re married, you should still date your SO, still plan little trips or dates or little things, those moments are what made her fall in love with youAlso, never hurts to do the little things (making coffee, filling the tank, unloading the dishwasher, take dog out, etc.) to just start her off on the right foot
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskMen - Married Men, What Are the Unspoken Rules for Successful Marriage?"




You need to actually believe in your partner. They are human just like you and should love you for the good and bad that makes you up. You want someone to be in the trenches with when everything feels like its falling apart
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Show your partner they matter
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Also you both need to keep developing your genuine interest in each other. You can’t compensate if your partner persistently maintains a lack of interest in you. Sometimes they just don’t want to spend time with you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Took me too long to figure that out.
- No location available


There's a good quote I found on reddit that I really try to remind myself of: "Even if you put 110% in yourself, you can only control 50% of the relationship." I take it to heart if I feel like I'm stretching myself thin and things are disbalanced in some relationship.
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Every time I'm upset and my partner doesn't realize it I have to stop myself and say "Communicate this, don't just sit and fester, ya goon."
- No location available


You're partner should be your ride or die. The foundation that doesn't falter.
- No location available


If something's wrong, tell your partner, and assure them that they can do the same.It sounds simple, but so many people keep things trapped inside, and it ruins marriages.
- No location available


the most important factor in a good marriage is choosing the right spouse in the first place. Someone who shares your values, who matches your level of (for lack of a better word) selflessness or selfishness, and someone who is going to grow in the same direction that you do over many years.That last one depends a lot on good luck.
- No location available


I read on reddit once a guy says he'll tell his kids "mom and I are gonna take a nap. Wake us in an hour so we can all clean up the house" kids are quite and never come to wake you up. Works like a charm so bedroom won't be as risky.
- No location available


It’s never you against her. Always you and her against the problem/world.
- No location available


I have learned to not default into “problem solving mode” whenever she wants to discuss an issue. I now ask if she wants me to listen or problem solve, which has helped avoid further frustrating her and improved our communication.
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Now I ask: “do you want me to listen, distract you from the problem, or problem solve”Sometimes my partner is too emotionally invested in an issue to be able to talk about it, so we might put on our favourite songs and have a dance in the kitchen, play a board game with our favourite LP on or go for a walk and get outside in nature.
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Ah yes, the THREE A's:Advice Affirmation AttentionI wish I'd known about this is a younger man. I pretty much self-destructed a few relationships in my early twenties because I didn't know when to nut up, put up or shut up when my GF was venting.
- No location available


Even though you’re married, you should still date your SO, still plan little trips or dates or little things, those moments are what made her fall in love with youAlso, never hurts to do the little things (making coffee, filling the tank, unloading the dishwasher, take dog out, etc.) to just start her off on the right foot
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