Policy and Political Skills

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career profile, policy, politics,
@ref:: Policy and Political Skills
@author:: Benjamin Todd


Book cover of "Policy and Political Skills"




(highlight:: Unfortunately, the more you advance, the easier it is to lose touch with people who will give you frank feedback, and the more temptations you’ll face to do unethical or dishonest actions in order to preserve your influence or “for the greater good” — i.e. to get corrupted.
This means we’d especially encourage people considering this path to focus on building good character and making sure they have friends around them who can keep them honest at the early stages, so these are in place in case they gain a lot of influence.)
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Policy and Political Skills
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career profile, policy, politics,
@ref:: Policy and Political Skills
@author:: Benjamin Todd


Book cover of "Policy and Political Skills"




(highlight:: Unfortunately, the more you advance, the easier it is to lose touch with people who will give you frank feedback, and the more temptations you’ll face to do unethical or dishonest actions in order to preserve your influence or “for the greater good” — i.e. to get corrupted.
This means we’d especially encourage people considering this path to focus on building good character and making sure they have friends around them who can keep them honest at the early stages, so these are in place in case they gain a lot of influence.)
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