Personal Fit

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career guide, personal fit,
@ref:: Personal Fit
@author:: Probably Good

Book cover of "Personal Fit"




(highlight:: In the next sections, we’ll look at some helpful questions for assessing your personal fit:

  1. What motivates me?
  2. What are my needs and boundaries?
  3. What am I good at / what could I become good at?)
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(highlight:: you may be especially interested in a particular cause area—like animal welfare or global development—but there’s a range of jobs you could pursue within each area. To get more specific, try asking yourself:
• What kind of problems are you especially excited to work on?
• Is it important to see the direct impact of your efforts?
• Could you imagine yourself feeling motivated by any part of the problem, so long as it improved the world?)
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(highlight:: Every job has its ups and downs, but if you aren’t motivated by the daily tasks, it might not be the best option for you.
• Do you excel at long-term thought work or discrete accomplishable tasks?
• Do you prefer to focus on theoretical and abstract questions or solve more practical problems?
• How much time would be spent on different tasks?
• What might some of the frustrations and challenges look like?)
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(highlight:: Even enjoyable tasks could turn out to be unmotivating if the setting or team doesn’t fit with your personality.
• Do you like to be around people who are intellectual and ambitious people, serious and focused, creative and social?
• Do you prefer an independent and autonomous environment or a more collaborative and communicative one?
• Is there a particular structure you need to succeed—like close management and direction or personal initiative and exploration?)
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(highlight:: If you do have experience, give yourself time to take an inventory:
• What did your past environments look like?
• What sorts of tasks have given your energy?
• What sort of day-to-day work do you excel at?)
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(highlight:: Having boundaries surrounding your needs and circumstances is healthy, and in some cases, it’s critical to our ability to continue making an impact over the long term. Some questions to reflect on might be:
• Do you have a minimum salary requirement? Are there other people in your life you need to support? What sort of safety net do you require? What standard of living do you need to do your job well?
• How do you feel about changing your life circumstances to pursue an impactful opportunity? Could you move across the country, live in an unfamiliar culture, or change your standard of living?
• Is there a certain work-life balance that you need? Do you need a part-time or flexible schedule to accommodate other life circumstances? Could you commit more than 40 hours/week to your career? How do you feel about working outside normal hours? How willing are you to commute?)
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It’s also important to keep in mind that personal fit can’t be added up into a perfect personal fit score. If you’re incredible at one thing but just okay at others, your sheer incredibleness could dominate the other factors. It could be, for instance, that you are so good at coding that this strength outweighs the fact that you aren’t so good at oral communication. Or, if one aspect is especially low, you can ask yourself how necessary it is to be successful. Could you easily improve on or gain this skill/strength? Would lacking this significantly impact your ability to do the job?
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(highlight:: When considering whether or not you might have a good personal fit for a role, we want to gather any information and insight that helps us understand:

  1. Does it motivate you?
  2. Does it align with your boundaries around needs/circumstances?
  3. Does it seem like something you could be especially good at?
    If you find that a role checks all three boxes, you can be pretty confident that it is a good fit)
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Personal Fit
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career guide, personal fit,
@ref:: Personal Fit
@author:: Probably Good

Book cover of "Personal Fit"




(highlight:: In the next sections, we’ll look at some helpful questions for assessing your personal fit:

  1. What motivates me?
  2. What are my needs and boundaries?
  3. What am I good at / what could I become good at?)
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(highlight:: you may be especially interested in a particular cause area—like animal welfare or global development—but there’s a range of jobs you could pursue within each area. To get more specific, try asking yourself:
• What kind of problems are you especially excited to work on?
• Is it important to see the direct impact of your efforts?
• Could you imagine yourself feeling motivated by any part of the problem, so long as it improved the world?)
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(highlight:: Every job has its ups and downs, but if you aren’t motivated by the daily tasks, it might not be the best option for you.
• Do you excel at long-term thought work or discrete accomplishable tasks?
• Do you prefer to focus on theoretical and abstract questions or solve more practical problems?
• How much time would be spent on different tasks?
• What might some of the frustrations and challenges look like?)
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(highlight:: Even enjoyable tasks could turn out to be unmotivating if the setting or team doesn’t fit with your personality.
• Do you like to be around people who are intellectual and ambitious people, serious and focused, creative and social?
• Do you prefer an independent and autonomous environment or a more collaborative and communicative one?
• Is there a particular structure you need to succeed—like close management and direction or personal initiative and exploration?)
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(highlight:: If you do have experience, give yourself time to take an inventory:
• What did your past environments look like?
• What sorts of tasks have given your energy?
• What sort of day-to-day work do you excel at?)
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(highlight:: Having boundaries surrounding your needs and circumstances is healthy, and in some cases, it’s critical to our ability to continue making an impact over the long term. Some questions to reflect on might be:
• Do you have a minimum salary requirement? Are there other people in your life you need to support? What sort of safety net do you require? What standard of living do you need to do your job well?
• How do you feel about changing your life circumstances to pursue an impactful opportunity? Could you move across the country, live in an unfamiliar culture, or change your standard of living?
• Is there a certain work-life balance that you need? Do you need a part-time or flexible schedule to accommodate other life circumstances? Could you commit more than 40 hours/week to your career? How do you feel about working outside normal hours? How willing are you to commute?)
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It’s also important to keep in mind that personal fit can’t be added up into a perfect personal fit score. If you’re incredible at one thing but just okay at others, your sheer incredibleness could dominate the other factors. It could be, for instance, that you are so good at coding that this strength outweighs the fact that you aren’t so good at oral communication. Or, if one aspect is especially low, you can ask yourself how necessary it is to be successful. Could you easily improve on or gain this skill/strength? Would lacking this significantly impact your ability to do the job?
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(highlight:: When considering whether or not you might have a good personal fit for a role, we want to gather any information and insight that helps us understand:

  1. Does it motivate you?
  2. Does it align with your boundaries around needs/circumstances?
  3. Does it seem like something you could be especially good at?
    If you find that a role checks all three boxes, you can be pretty confident that it is a good fit)
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