Assessing Impact of Specific Roles

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career guide, impact,
@ref:: Assessing Impact of Specific Roles
@author:: Probably Good

Book cover of "Assessing Impact of Specific Roles"




(highlight:: To assess just how impactful specific roles could be, we’ll look at four major factors:

  1. Problem significance: how big and important is the problem you’re working on?
  2. Method efficacy: how well can a particular approach or organization help solve it?
  3. Role leverage: how much does a specific role influence the organization or broader goal?
  4. Personal fit: how likely are you to excel in (and enjoy) this role?
    Taken together, these factors make up the SELF framework: a tool for assessing the impact of specific roles and opportunities.)
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Assessing Impact of Specific Roles
source: reader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: career guide, impact,
@ref:: Assessing Impact of Specific Roles
@author:: Probably Good

Book cover of "Assessing Impact of Specific Roles"




(highlight:: To assess just how impactful specific roles could be, we’ll look at four major factors:

  1. Problem significance: how big and important is the problem you’re working on?
  2. Method efficacy: how well can a particular approach or organization help solve it?
  3. Role leverage: how much does a specific role influence the organization or broader goal?
  4. Personal fit: how likely are you to excel in (and enjoy) this role?
    Taken together, these factors make up the SELF framework: a tool for assessing the impact of specific roles and opportunities.)
    - View Highlight