Adding/Editing - Anki Manual

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Adding/Editing - Anki Manual

Book cover of "Adding/Editing - Anki Manual"




(highlight:: You may be tempted to create lots of little decks to keep your
content organized, such as "my geography book chapter 1", or "food verbs", but
this is not recommended, for the following reasons:
Lots of little decks may mean you end up seeing cards in a
recognizable order. On older scheduler versions, new cards can only
be introduced in deck order. And if you were planning to click on each deck
in turn (which is slow), you will end up seeing all the "chapter 1" or
"food verb" reviews together. This makes it easier to answer the
cards, as you can guess them from the context, which leads to weaker
memories. When you need to recall the word or phrase outside Anki,
you won't always have the luxury of being shown related content first!
While less of a problem than it was in earlier Anki versions,
adding hundreds of decks may cause slowdowns, and very large deck
trees with thousands of items can actually break the display of
the deck list in Anki versions before 2.1.50.)
- No location available


(highlight:: Instead of creating lots of little decks, it's a better idea to use tags
and/or fields to classify your content. Tags are a useful way to boost
search results, find specific content, and keep your collection
- No location available


(highlight:: you can add several
tags to a single note, but a single card can only belong to one deck, which
makes tags a more powerful and flexible categorization system than
decks in most cases. You can also organize tags in trees in the same way as you can do for decks.)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Adding/Editing - Anki Manual
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Adding/Editing - Anki Manual

Book cover of "Adding/Editing - Anki Manual"




(highlight:: You may be tempted to create lots of little decks to keep your
content organized, such as "my geography book chapter 1", or "food verbs", but
this is not recommended, for the following reasons:
Lots of little decks may mean you end up seeing cards in a
recognizable order. On older scheduler versions, new cards can only
be introduced in deck order. And if you were planning to click on each deck
in turn (which is slow), you will end up seeing all the "chapter 1" or
"food verb" reviews together. This makes it easier to answer the
cards, as you can guess them from the context, which leads to weaker
memories. When you need to recall the word or phrase outside Anki,
you won't always have the luxury of being shown related content first!
While less of a problem than it was in earlier Anki versions,
adding hundreds of decks may cause slowdowns, and very large deck
trees with thousands of items can actually break the display of
the deck list in Anki versions before 2.1.50.)
- No location available


(highlight:: Instead of creating lots of little decks, it's a better idea to use tags
and/or fields to classify your content. Tags are a useful way to boost
search results, find specific content, and keep your collection
- No location available


(highlight:: you can add several
tags to a single note, but a single card can only belong to one deck, which
makes tags a more powerful and flexible categorization system than
decks in most cases. You can also organize tags in trees in the same way as you can do for decks.)
- No location available