Social Change

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Social Change

Book cover of "Social Change"




Fabian Society - A British socialist organization dedicated to advancing democratic socialism via a gradualist approach, rather than revolution, in democracies. Founded in 1884, many of the leading intellectuals of the era were associated with the Fabians, including, George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb. It was influential and arguably successful in its efforts, founding the London School of Economics and Political Science, and influencing many leaders of former British Colonies, including India's Jawaharlal Nehru, Pakistan's Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew.
- No location available


YIMBYs: YIMBY's, or yes, in my backyard, is a pro-housing movement that has recently emerged among urban millennials. They're opposed to NIMBY's, and advocate for increasing density in urban areas to lower housing costs. The first groups were started in 2014 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the center of the housing crisis. The movement has gone international, with chapters in the United Kingdom and Canada. Despite it's nascence, there have been several prominent wins as cities including Berkeley, Sacramento, and Minneapolis are moving away from single family housing requirements.
- No location available


Tiananmen Square: In 1989 the Chinese government cracked down on Tiananmen Square protests, murdering hundreds or thousands of people. The protests were the last, best attempt at political liberalization in China. The protests were precipitated by the death of Communist general secretary Hu Yaobang, amid the rapid economic changes spurred by the transition to a market economy in the 1980's. At the height of the protests one million people were assembled in the square. The protests were disorganized, but called for due process, democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Social Change
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Social Change

Book cover of "Social Change"




Fabian Society - A British socialist organization dedicated to advancing democratic socialism via a gradualist approach, rather than revolution, in democracies. Founded in 1884, many of the leading intellectuals of the era were associated with the Fabians, including, George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb. It was influential and arguably successful in its efforts, founding the London School of Economics and Political Science, and influencing many leaders of former British Colonies, including India's Jawaharlal Nehru, Pakistan's Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew.
- No location available


YIMBYs: YIMBY's, or yes, in my backyard, is a pro-housing movement that has recently emerged among urban millennials. They're opposed to NIMBY's, and advocate for increasing density in urban areas to lower housing costs. The first groups were started in 2014 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the center of the housing crisis. The movement has gone international, with chapters in the United Kingdom and Canada. Despite it's nascence, there have been several prominent wins as cities including Berkeley, Sacramento, and Minneapolis are moving away from single family housing requirements.
- No location available


Tiananmen Square: In 1989 the Chinese government cracked down on Tiananmen Square protests, murdering hundreds or thousands of people. The protests were the last, best attempt at political liberalization in China. The protests were precipitated by the death of Communist general secretary Hu Yaobang, amid the rapid economic changes spurred by the transition to a market economy in the 1980's. At the height of the protests one million people were assembled in the square. The protests were disorganized, but called for due process, democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
- No location available