R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?"




The easiest way to learn that stuff cold is to teach it. That doesn't necessarily mean in a classroom — there are other ways to simulate that kind of activity (like writing lectures for your future self to give). But synthesizing the information and re-explaining it in your own words, to someone else, is the best way to get your brain to re-code that as "stuff you need to know"; it will literally store the information differently than if you just read it passively.
- No location available


I taught my dog the material from all of my doctoral seminars.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskAcademia - How Do You Memorize Important Information Relevant to Your Field?"




The easiest way to learn that stuff cold is to teach it. That doesn't necessarily mean in a classroom — there are other ways to simulate that kind of activity (like writing lectures for your future self to give). But synthesizing the information and re-explaining it in your own words, to someone else, is the best way to get your brain to re-code that as "stuff you need to know"; it will literally store the information differently than if you just read it passively.
- No location available


I taught my dog the material from all of my doctoral seminars.
- No location available