
!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Knowledge

Book cover of "Knowledge"




Wisdom is the ultimate level of understanding. We achieve this level when we see enough patterns and meta-patterns in our knowledge base that we are able to synthesize and then use them in novel ways (Wurman, 2001).
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Patterns can be classified as (Aldo de Moor, 2006:
Goal patterns — represent objectives
Communication patterns — describe communicative interactions
Information patterns — conceptualize knowledge obtained from knowledge analysis activities
Task patterns — define which information patterns are associated with particular steps in a process
Meta-patterns — are conceptual in nature and used for interpreting, validating, linking, and assessing the quality of other patterns)
- No location available


Once we have gathered enough patterns on a task or subject and link them together, we are then able to make inferences for interpreting, assessing, and predicting new uses for the patterns.
- No location available


As noted by Montaigne, wisdom is not easily passed from one person to another as it must be worked for by building enough patterns as described above; however, recognizing and valuing the wisdom in others will help us to define a framework for achieving it.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Knowledge
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Knowledge

Book cover of "Knowledge"




Wisdom is the ultimate level of understanding. We achieve this level when we see enough patterns and meta-patterns in our knowledge base that we are able to synthesize and then use them in novel ways (Wurman, 2001).
- No location available


Patterns can be classified as (Aldo de Moor, 2006:
Goal patterns — represent objectives
Communication patterns — describe communicative interactions
Information patterns — conceptualize knowledge obtained from knowledge analysis activities
Task patterns — define which information patterns are associated with particular steps in a process
Meta-patterns — are conceptual in nature and used for interpreting, validating, linking, and assessing the quality of other patterns)
- No location available


Once we have gathered enough patterns on a task or subject and link them together, we are then able to make inferences for interpreting, assessing, and predicting new uses for the patterns.
- No location available


As noted by Montaigne, wisdom is not easily passed from one person to another as it must be worked for by building enough patterns as described above; however, recognizing and valuing the wisdom in others will help us to define a framework for achieving it.
- No location available