R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”"




LATCH is the acronym describing the 5 ways of organizing information (Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, Hierarchy), and is a principle expounded on by Richard Saul Wurman (founder of TED) in his books: Information Anxiety, and Information Architects.
- No location available
- acronyms, frameworks, digital organization, information architecture, organizing information,


When applying to my own Obsidian vault i like to think about LATCH in 2 different ways:
- No location available

File Metadata


Location: Folder / DirectoryAlphabet: Naming conventions.Time: file created/last modified, expires (auto-clean / janitor plugin)Category: File extensions (.md .pdf .epub .mov .flac)Hierarchy: Not Applicable.
- No location available

Content Metadata


Location: source:: name, URLAlias: Alternative note name / search terms (needs to vibe with note name).Time: Origins / EtymologyCategory: arbitrary, can be links or tags, depending on "graph conventions"Hierarchy: Apply inheritance to individual notes, and/or above "Categories" (also accounted for in graph conventions)
- No location available

Graph conventions (Idea Compass)


The Idea Compass. It's an effective thought prompt specifically about finding (and implementing) relationships between notes.Fei - The Esscence of the Zettelkasten Methodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Ta9BhFR30&t=297shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnsULzez-gIn context of Obsidian graph:North: link to central note i.e. it's the parent note (in graph: arrow points from north to central)South: backlink to the central note i.e. it's the child note (in graph: arrow points from central to south)East: tag in between i.e. it's a rival (bully), not the primary relationship (in graph: tags can be turned on/off)West: link on both sides i.e. west and central are siblings / reinforce each other (in graph: arrow points both directions)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/ObsidianMD - Comment by U/Marble_Wraith on ”Beginning With Obsidian - General Template for Notes?”"




LATCH is the acronym describing the 5 ways of organizing information (Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, Hierarchy), and is a principle expounded on by Richard Saul Wurman (founder of TED) in his books: Information Anxiety, and Information Architects.
- No location available
- acronyms, frameworks, digital organization, information architecture, organizing information,


When applying to my own Obsidian vault i like to think about LATCH in 2 different ways:
- No location available

File Metadata


Location: Folder / DirectoryAlphabet: Naming conventions.Time: file created/last modified, expires (auto-clean / janitor plugin)Category: File extensions (.md .pdf .epub .mov .flac)Hierarchy: Not Applicable.
- No location available

Content Metadata


Location: source:: name, URLAlias: Alternative note name / search terms (needs to vibe with note name).Time: Origins / EtymologyCategory: arbitrary, can be links or tags, depending on "graph conventions"Hierarchy: Apply inheritance to individual notes, and/or above "Categories" (also accounted for in graph conventions)
- No location available

Graph conventions (Idea Compass)


The Idea Compass. It's an effective thought prompt specifically about finding (and implementing) relationships between notes.Fei - The Esscence of the Zettelkasten Methodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Ta9BhFR30&t=297shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnsULzez-gIn context of Obsidian graph:North: link to central note i.e. it's the parent note (in graph: arrow points from north to central)South: backlink to the central note i.e. it's the child note (in graph: arrow points from central to south)East: tag in between i.e. it's a rival (bully), not the primary relationship (in graph: tags can be turned on/off)West: link on both sides i.e. west and central are siblings / reinforce each other (in graph: arrow points both directions)
- No location available