R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction"




I know the maxim "if you don't have an hour to meditate, you need two," but tell that to the parent of 2 kids who has a full time job too. In non-meditation terms though, this is what i mean: I'll do things like really pay attention to how I prepare each stage of my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I'll put in an extra minute of effort to present my food nicely so it looks nicer to eat, but during those extra few minutes, my mind is totally concentrated on this one thing. If I find my mind wandering, I'll bring it back to what I'm doing. I'll give the same sort of attention to music - picking out individual parts of the song and discerning between instruments. By the end of the song you'll have kind of zoned out (which let's be honest, while not an aim of meditation, is nice to do sometimes) and be totally quiet.
- No location available


The idea that "Knowledge is power," is a half-truth, the real truth here is relevant knowledge is power. You won't find the Donald Trumps, or the Tim Cooks, or the Jeff Bezos of the world sitting there soaking up all the information they can in the world. They don't give a shit about what's going on in the Sudan unless it effects their company or their lives. If they do know about it, they don't agonize about it. They don't have time to have a scattered brain - they pin point exactly what they need to know, acquire it, use it, then move on. The power is being able to let go of the need to know about everything, because you'll find after a while that you actually know very little that can directly benefit your life, and the lives of those around you.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction
@author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Simpleliving - Information Addiction"




I know the maxim "if you don't have an hour to meditate, you need two," but tell that to the parent of 2 kids who has a full time job too. In non-meditation terms though, this is what i mean: I'll do things like really pay attention to how I prepare each stage of my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I'll put in an extra minute of effort to present my food nicely so it looks nicer to eat, but during those extra few minutes, my mind is totally concentrated on this one thing. If I find my mind wandering, I'll bring it back to what I'm doing. I'll give the same sort of attention to music - picking out individual parts of the song and discerning between instruments. By the end of the song you'll have kind of zoned out (which let's be honest, while not an aim of meditation, is nice to do sometimes) and be totally quiet.
- No location available


The idea that "Knowledge is power," is a half-truth, the real truth here is relevant knowledge is power. You won't find the Donald Trumps, or the Tim Cooks, or the Jeff Bezos of the world sitting there soaking up all the information they can in the world. They don't give a shit about what's going on in the Sudan unless it effects their company or their lives. If they do know about it, they don't agonize about it. They don't have time to have a scattered brain - they pin point exactly what they need to know, acquire it, use it, then move on. The power is being able to let go of the need to know about everything, because you'll find after a while that you actually know very little that can directly benefit your life, and the lives of those around you.
- No location available