Matches Basics | Espanso

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Matches Basics | Espanso

Book cover of "Matches Basics | Espanso"



Global Variables


(highlight:: Global variables are variables that can be used across multiple matches.
You can define them above your matches, and they will be available across all
matches defined in that file and it's children.)
- No location available

Case propagation


(highlight:: Espanso also supports case-propagation, which makes it possible to expand a match
preserving the trigger casing.)
- No location available

Cursor Hints


(highlight:: To solve this problem, Espanso supports cursor hints, a way to control the position of the cursor
after the expansion. Using them is very simple, just insert | where you want the cursor to be positioned, in this case:)
- No location available


You can only define one cursor hint per match. Multiple hints will be ignored. If you need multiple hints, a decent replacement would be to use Forms.
- No location available


(highlight:: Espanso supports the label match field to override the default description,
making the search UI more intuitive.)
- No location available

Image Matches


(highlight:: Espanso also supports expanding matches into images.
This can be useful in many situations, such as when writing emails or chatting.)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Matches Basics | Espanso
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Matches Basics | Espanso

Book cover of "Matches Basics | Espanso"



Global Variables


(highlight:: Global variables are variables that can be used across multiple matches.
You can define them above your matches, and they will be available across all
matches defined in that file and it's children.)
- No location available

Case propagation


(highlight:: Espanso also supports case-propagation, which makes it possible to expand a match
preserving the trigger casing.)
- No location available

Cursor Hints


(highlight:: To solve this problem, Espanso supports cursor hints, a way to control the position of the cursor
after the expansion. Using them is very simple, just insert | where you want the cursor to be positioned, in this case:)
- No location available


You can only define one cursor hint per match. Multiple hints will be ignored. If you need multiple hints, a decent replacement would be to use Forms.
- No location available


(highlight:: Espanso supports the label match field to override the default description,
making the search UI more intuitive.)
- No location available

Image Matches


(highlight:: Espanso also supports expanding matches into images.
This can be useful in many situations, such as when writing emails or chatting.)
- No location available