Favourite Quotations

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Favourite Quotations
@author:: gist.github.com


Book cover of "Favourite Quotations"




For every power user that writes in asking for a feature, there’s one new user (and ten potential users that felt the opposite way.
Ben Balter)
- No location available
- prioritization, feature prioritization, product management, quotes,


(highlight:: When you’re evaluating potential features, part of your role is to be an advocate for the long tail of users that won’t yet advocate for themselves.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: Your users are experts at using your product, not building, supporting, or maintaining it.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: Every feature added creates an implicit and perpetual contract with your users. A contract that obligates you to maintain, support, and build around that feature in every subsequent release.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: [People] want to work with someone who gives them confidence. They want to work with people who understand what is expected and have a plan to get it done. And they want to trust that if things are off track, the first person they will hear it from is the person who owns it. They want to be told "Everyone chill the f**ck out, I got this".
— Boz)
- No location available
- leadership,


(highlight:: The most fundamental unit of collaboration is two people.
— soleio)
- No location available


(highlight:: "If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late."
— Reid Hoffman)
- No location available


(highlight:: Education is free. You pay for the packaging.
— clayhebert)
- No location available


(highlight:: Graph your growth
— paulg)
- No location available


People don't buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. There's a difference between "Check out our product" and "Check out what you can do with our product".
- No location available
- [note::Stage Number 5 of Customer Success/Support: "Make me better, safer or more powerful"]


(highlight:: Some educators, who are quick to say "These students just don't want to learn”, should instead be saying "I suck at my job”.
— neiltyson)
- No location available


(highlight:: "Where do you find the time?" You don't find time, you make it.
— KamiSLO)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Favourite Quotations
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: Favourite Quotations
@author:: gist.github.com


Book cover of "Favourite Quotations"




For every power user that writes in asking for a feature, there’s one new user (and ten potential users that felt the opposite way.
Ben Balter)
- No location available
- prioritization, feature prioritization, product management, quotes,


(highlight:: When you’re evaluating potential features, part of your role is to be an advocate for the long tail of users that won’t yet advocate for themselves.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: Your users are experts at using your product, not building, supporting, or maintaining it.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: Every feature added creates an implicit and perpetual contract with your users. A contract that obligates you to maintain, support, and build around that feature in every subsequent release.
Ben Balter)
- No location available


(highlight:: [People] want to work with someone who gives them confidence. They want to work with people who understand what is expected and have a plan to get it done. And they want to trust that if things are off track, the first person they will hear it from is the person who owns it. They want to be told "Everyone chill the f**ck out, I got this".
— Boz)
- No location available
- leadership,


(highlight:: The most fundamental unit of collaboration is two people.
— soleio)
- No location available


(highlight:: "If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late."
— Reid Hoffman)
- No location available


(highlight:: Education is free. You pay for the packaging.
— clayhebert)
- No location available


(highlight:: Graph your growth
— paulg)
- No location available


People don't buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. There's a difference between "Check out our product" and "Check out what you can do with our product".
- No location available
- [note::Stage Number 5 of Customer Success/Support: "Make me better, safer or more powerful"]


(highlight:: Some educators, who are quick to say "These students just don't want to learn”, should instead be saying "I suck at my job”.
— neiltyson)
- No location available


(highlight:: "Where do you find the time?" You don't find time, you make it.
— KamiSLO)
- No location available