Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins

Book cover of "Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins"



Enables better estimates of work units

Uncovers hidden tasks.


A traditional high level plan assumes first article inspection happens automatically. Inevitably, new part volume overwhelms incoming inspection resources, and engineers become frustrated waiting for their parts. The project manager is pressed into service as the inspection-backlog-prioritization manager.
- No location available
- [note::Great example on why why analyzing your risks and assumptions as it relates to the project plan is incredibly important]

Facilitates divide-and-conquer project execution.


Granularity enables multiple team members to tackle different parts of an activity in parallel. Instead of “Perform kink test” being handed off to one person, we might have one person writing the protocol and test method while someone else designs and builds the test fixture.
- No location available

Enables analysis of skill types.


Granular plans may surprise you. You might be surprised by the number of fixtures to be designed or the number of prototype samples to be built, indicating that the project team might need a full time test engineer or assembly technician. This is really hard to see (and really hard to justify to management) with from a high level plan.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins

Book cover of "Critical Action Planning – Why Greater Task Granularity Wins"



Enables better estimates of work units

Uncovers hidden tasks.


A traditional high level plan assumes first article inspection happens automatically. Inevitably, new part volume overwhelms incoming inspection resources, and engineers become frustrated waiting for their parts. The project manager is pressed into service as the inspection-backlog-prioritization manager.
- No location available
- [note::Great example on why why analyzing your risks and assumptions as it relates to the project plan is incredibly important]

Facilitates divide-and-conquer project execution.


Granularity enables multiple team members to tackle different parts of an activity in parallel. Instead of “Perform kink test” being handed off to one person, we might have one person writing the protocol and test method while someone else designs and builds the test fixture.
- No location available

Enables analysis of skill types.


Granular plans may surprise you. You might be surprised by the number of fixtures to be designed or the number of prototype samples to be built, indicating that the project team might need a full time test engineer or assembly technician. This is really hard to see (and really hard to justify to management) with from a high level plan.
- No location available