Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: critical action planning, project progress, project scope,
@ref:: Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress

Book cover of "Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress"



Tracking Project Scope


So now, imagine the starting Project Scope is 2000 person-days of Work units, and then imagine that three weeks into the project we discover the need for a new feature. We simply add a set of new tasks into the Project Plan, with estimated Work-units for each new task. We then re-sum the Project Scope. Voila. New day, new tasks, new scope.
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- [note::See "The Iron Triangle"]

Tracking Project Progess


Projects progress as as tasks are completed. We quantify this with work units. Halfway through the project duration, we hope that half of the project’s Work Units are complete and that half remain.
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To track progress, we keep track of Work Units remaining. Each assessment cycle, as we complete Project Tasks in a Critical Action plan, we record the remaining Work-units for that task as zero. For example, suppose we have a task to complete a drawing for a new part, estimated at one person-day of work. Whether it actually takes a half of a day or two days, when we complete the task, we set the remaining work to zero. By setting the remaining work to zero, we are getting credit for completing one person-day of Project Scope. In other words, we get credit in our plan for completing the estimated number of work units, not the actual number of work units expended. As long as the project estimates are reasonable, this works fine.
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If we did not finish the Project Task, we simply estimate the Work Units still needed to complete the Project Task. If we didn’t finish our drawing, and we still have half a day’s work left, we set the remaining work to 0.5 person-days. I’ve seen remaining work be larger than the original estimate, when tasks have run into some obstacle. This is okay too. It’s reality. If remaining work builds up, we need more capacity to get the project done on time.
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Backlog tasks have their full estimated Work Units remaining. Incomplete tasks have their recently estimated remainder Work Units remaining. Sum these all up to get the Remaining Scope.
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Each week, we calculate the Cumulative Work Plan as follows: divide the current Project Scope by the Project Duration and multiply by the number of weeks that have elapsed since the project started. For example, if a Project has 2000 Work-units of scope, and is projected to take 40 weeks, then by the end of week 9 our Cumulative Work Plan should be 2000 Work-units / 40 weeks multiplied by 9 weeks, or 450 Work-units.
- No location available
- 1action, project planning, project scope, project duration,
- [note::I'd like to make a spreadsheet based off of this]


We can easily calculate the Cumulative Work Complete as the Project Scope minus the Remaining Scope.
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Two simple plots (Project Scope over time, and Cumulative Work Complete and the Cumulative Work Plan over time) make a great start to a weekly project progress report. Annotated, they tell a great story about the project.
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Project Scope: The sum of the Work-Units for all tasks in a project at any point in time.
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Remaining Scope: The sum of the remaining Work-Units for all tasks in a project at any point in time.
- No location available


Project Duration: Number of weeks that the project is scheduled to run.
- No location available
- project duration,


Cumulative Work Plan: The cumulative amount of Work-Units that should be complete at a given point in the project, to be on track for timely project completion.
- No location available


Cumulative Work Complete: Project Scope minus Remaining Scope.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: critical action planning, project progress, project scope,
@ref:: Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress

Book cover of "Critical Action Planning – How to Manage and Measure Scope and Progress"



Tracking Project Scope


So now, imagine the starting Project Scope is 2000 person-days of Work units, and then imagine that three weeks into the project we discover the need for a new feature. We simply add a set of new tasks into the Project Plan, with estimated Work-units for each new task. We then re-sum the Project Scope. Voila. New day, new tasks, new scope.
- No location available
- [note::See "The Iron Triangle"]

Tracking Project Progess


Projects progress as as tasks are completed. We quantify this with work units. Halfway through the project duration, we hope that half of the project’s Work Units are complete and that half remain.
- No location available


To track progress, we keep track of Work Units remaining. Each assessment cycle, as we complete Project Tasks in a Critical Action plan, we record the remaining Work-units for that task as zero. For example, suppose we have a task to complete a drawing for a new part, estimated at one person-day of work. Whether it actually takes a half of a day or two days, when we complete the task, we set the remaining work to zero. By setting the remaining work to zero, we are getting credit for completing one person-day of Project Scope. In other words, we get credit in our plan for completing the estimated number of work units, not the actual number of work units expended. As long as the project estimates are reasonable, this works fine.
- No location available


If we did not finish the Project Task, we simply estimate the Work Units still needed to complete the Project Task. If we didn’t finish our drawing, and we still have half a day’s work left, we set the remaining work to 0.5 person-days. I’ve seen remaining work be larger than the original estimate, when tasks have run into some obstacle. This is okay too. It’s reality. If remaining work builds up, we need more capacity to get the project done on time.
- No location available


Backlog tasks have their full estimated Work Units remaining. Incomplete tasks have their recently estimated remainder Work Units remaining. Sum these all up to get the Remaining Scope.
- No location available


Each week, we calculate the Cumulative Work Plan as follows: divide the current Project Scope by the Project Duration and multiply by the number of weeks that have elapsed since the project started. For example, if a Project has 2000 Work-units of scope, and is projected to take 40 weeks, then by the end of week 9 our Cumulative Work Plan should be 2000 Work-units / 40 weeks multiplied by 9 weeks, or 450 Work-units.
- No location available
- 1action, project planning, project scope, project duration,
- [note::I'd like to make a spreadsheet based off of this]


We can easily calculate the Cumulative Work Complete as the Project Scope minus the Remaining Scope.
- No location available


Two simple plots (Project Scope over time, and Cumulative Work Complete and the Cumulative Work Plan over time) make a great start to a weekly project progress report. Annotated, they tell a great story about the project.
- No location available


Project Scope: The sum of the Work-Units for all tasks in a project at any point in time.
- No location available


Remaining Scope: The sum of the remaining Work-Units for all tasks in a project at any point in time.
- No location available


Project Duration: Number of weeks that the project is scheduled to run.
- No location available
- project duration,


Cumulative Work Plan: The cumulative amount of Work-Units that should be complete at a given point in the project, to be on track for timely project completion.
- No location available


Cumulative Work Complete: Project Scope minus Remaining Scope.
- No location available