Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management
!author:: jaycaplan.com


Book cover of "Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management"




Think long-term, act short-term – The agile approach posits that the best long-term outcome is achieved by identifying and executing the highest priority short-term tasks, during each project cycle (e.g. weekly or bi-weekly). Long-term product risk analysis (e.g. challenging components and processes) and project risk analysis (e.g. lead time and vendor capability) are inputs to short-term prioritization. Agile presumes that despite long-lead tasks, the project timeline is ultimately limited by capacity.
- No location available


Forced and explicit prioritization of each cycle’s tasks, limited to capacity – The sum total of high-priority tasks for each cycle are limited by team’s capacity for that cycle. No one should sign up for more effort than she or he has available.
- No location available


High frequency plan/do/assess/re-plan cycles – With a re-plan no more than a cycle away, inadvertent prioritization errors can be corrected in the next cycle.
- No location available


Project meetings are plan management meetings – Project meetings review the execution of the last cycle’s tasks, and prioritize and assign new tasks. Action items either get added to the plan (if they are not already accounted for in the plan) or they provide additional detail for tasks already in the plan.
- No location available


Quantifies project scope and scope changes – total effort to perform all tasks required for project
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Quantifies progress – metric: percent of total project effort completed, versus planned project effort completed
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Quantifies timeline-risk mitigation activities – Agile automatically recognizes that additional work to mitigate risk takes extra effort and thus is extra scope
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Enables identification of resource and skillset needs – If each task is assigned a skill type (e.g. EE, ME, SE, Mfg, QE, tech), capacity requirements by skill can be easily determined and compared with available resources.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management
!author:: jaycaplan.com


Book cover of "Ten Ways Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional Gantt-Based Management"




Think long-term, act short-term – The agile approach posits that the best long-term outcome is achieved by identifying and executing the highest priority short-term tasks, during each project cycle (e.g. weekly or bi-weekly). Long-term product risk analysis (e.g. challenging components and processes) and project risk analysis (e.g. lead time and vendor capability) are inputs to short-term prioritization. Agile presumes that despite long-lead tasks, the project timeline is ultimately limited by capacity.
- No location available


Forced and explicit prioritization of each cycle’s tasks, limited to capacity – The sum total of high-priority tasks for each cycle are limited by team’s capacity for that cycle. No one should sign up for more effort than she or he has available.
- No location available


High frequency plan/do/assess/re-plan cycles – With a re-plan no more than a cycle away, inadvertent prioritization errors can be corrected in the next cycle.
- No location available


Project meetings are plan management meetings – Project meetings review the execution of the last cycle’s tasks, and prioritize and assign new tasks. Action items either get added to the plan (if they are not already accounted for in the plan) or they provide additional detail for tasks already in the plan.
- No location available


Quantifies project scope and scope changes – total effort to perform all tasks required for project
- No location available


Quantifies progress – metric: percent of total project effort completed, versus planned project effort completed
- No location available


Quantifies timeline-risk mitigation activities – Agile automatically recognizes that additional work to mitigate risk takes extra effort and thus is extra scope
- No location available


Enables identification of resource and skillset needs – If each task is assigned a skill type (e.g. EE, ME, SE, Mfg, QE, tech), capacity requirements by skill can be easily determined and compared with available resources.
- No location available