Trying Right

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Trying Right

Book cover of "Trying Right"




It’s a simple framework but it takes a lot to apply it: you’ve got to diagnose the elements that make up a task; map your diagnosis onto an assessment of another person’s skills and motivation for accomplishing the elements of that task; intervene successfully to provide support based on that diagnosis; and adjust along the way for both how well/poorly you diagnosed both the task and your colleague, and how well/poorly you succeeded in your intervention.
- No location available
- [note::Situational leadership in a nutshell]


My point isn’t about the situational leadership framework (though if you’ve never used it I recommend it highly), it’s about the leverage comes from the right diagnosis of each situation. This is the continual work of figuring out what’s needed at this moment in this situation with this person.
- No location available
- [note::"Management is about continually diagnosing what is needed in THIS moment in THIS situation with THIS/THESE people"]

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Trying Right
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Trying Right

Book cover of "Trying Right"




It’s a simple framework but it takes a lot to apply it: you’ve got to diagnose the elements that make up a task; map your diagnosis onto an assessment of another person’s skills and motivation for accomplishing the elements of that task; intervene successfully to provide support based on that diagnosis; and adjust along the way for both how well/poorly you diagnosed both the task and your colleague, and how well/poorly you succeeded in your intervention.
- No location available
- [note::Situational leadership in a nutshell]


My point isn’t about the situational leadership framework (though if you’ve never used it I recommend it highly), it’s about the leverage comes from the right diagnosis of each situation. This is the continual work of figuring out what’s needed at this moment in this situation with this person.
- No location available
- [note::"Management is about continually diagnosing what is needed in THIS moment in THIS situation with THIS/THESE people"]