Everything Is Aiming

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Everything Is Aiming
!author:: nesslabs.com


Book cover of "Everything Is Aiming"




We live in a world obsessed with outcomes. At school, we’re encouraged to climb an artificial leaderboard that reflects our test scores. At work, performance is based on reaching specific targets, sometimes known as OKRs for “Objectives and Key Results.”
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In life like in archery, the goal is the target we want to achieve, while the aim is the course we set to reach that target. A goal fixates on the finish line, while an aim considers the trajectory. When we focus on our aims, the process becomes the goal. And we’re more likely to reach our goal when we become fully aware of our aim.
- No location available


“It is not the target that matters. It is not the finish line that matters. It is the way we approach the goal that matters. Everything is aiming.”
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Everything Is Aiming
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Everything Is Aiming
!author:: nesslabs.com


Book cover of "Everything Is Aiming"




We live in a world obsessed with outcomes. At school, we’re encouraged to climb an artificial leaderboard that reflects our test scores. At work, performance is based on reaching specific targets, sometimes known as OKRs for “Objectives and Key Results.”
- No location available


In life like in archery, the goal is the target we want to achieve, while the aim is the course we set to reach that target. A goal fixates on the finish line, while an aim considers the trajectory. When we focus on our aims, the process becomes the goal. And we’re more likely to reach our goal when we become fully aware of our aim.
- No location available


“It is not the target that matters. It is not the finish line that matters. It is the way we approach the goal that matters. Everything is aiming.”
- No location available