R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc.

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc.
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc."




Contact, a word game where one person thinks of a word and gives the first letter to the other players. The players then begin asking questions where the answer starts with the first letter. Example: The first letter is B. Question: is it something you hit a baseball with? Answer: It's not a bat. This goes on until someone stumps the judge, if the judge is stumped and another player knows the answer you are thinking of, you both count down from ten and say the word at zero, if you both say the same word and it fits the criteria for the current hints, then the judge gives the next letter, A. Question: is it a fish with teeth? Answer: yes it's a barracuda! The person who gets the answer becomes the next judge.
- No location available


Fishbowl can be a good time. It's a modified form of charades that goes fairly quickly and is highly replayable. To start, everyone writes a noun/proper noun on a slip of paper, puts it in a bowl, and divides into teams.Round 1: Team A sends one person up to give spoken clues to as many slips of paper as possible. 1-minute timer, no passing the answers, discard slips to a common pile. Repeat with team B, starting with the bowl as is. Repeat until the slips are gone.Round 2: Refill the bowl with the same slips. Teams must now act out their clues.Round 3: Refill the bowl with the same slips. Teams get one word per clue, even if the player looks and says "ummmmm."
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc.
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc.
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/Boardgames - Looking for Suggestions for Fun Casual, Social Games With None or Few Components, Like Mafia, 20 Questions, Riddles, Etc."




Contact, a word game where one person thinks of a word and gives the first letter to the other players. The players then begin asking questions where the answer starts with the first letter. Example: The first letter is B. Question: is it something you hit a baseball with? Answer: It's not a bat. This goes on until someone stumps the judge, if the judge is stumped and another player knows the answer you are thinking of, you both count down from ten and say the word at zero, if you both say the same word and it fits the criteria for the current hints, then the judge gives the next letter, A. Question: is it a fish with teeth? Answer: yes it's a barracuda! The person who gets the answer becomes the next judge.
- No location available


Fishbowl can be a good time. It's a modified form of charades that goes fairly quickly and is highly replayable. To start, everyone writes a noun/proper noun on a slip of paper, puts it in a bowl, and divides into teams.Round 1: Team A sends one person up to give spoken clues to as many slips of paper as possible. 1-minute timer, no passing the answers, discard slips to a common pile. Repeat with team B, starting with the bowl as is. Repeat until the slips are gone.Round 2: Refill the bowl with the same slips. Teams must now act out their clues.Round 3: Refill the bowl with the same slips. Teams get one word per clue, even if the player looks and says "ummmmm."
- No location available