R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?"




Sardines! It's reverse hide-n-seek. Best played at night. The person who's It hides. Everyone counts. Then, when you find It, you hide with them. Last person to find everyone is the new It.It can be a challenge to find a spot good enough to fit in a bunch of people. And not to giggle as you all get packed in
- No location available


Murder Wink 'emEveryone sits in a circle and draws a piece of paper from a bucket. Most are blank, but one will have an M or something to identify the "murderer." A person is killed when the murderer makes eye contact and winks. The more dramatic and drawn out the death the better. The murder tries to "kill" as many people as they can without anyone seeing who they are and identifying them.
- No location available


My friends and I call this The Greatest Game because we always have the best time! We also play a similar game called Telephone Oracle. The first person writes a question, then the next person answers it and folds over the question. The third person, who only sees the answer, has to write another question that could have that answer. Typical play might be:P1: What is my favorite thing to do?P2: Eat pancakes and drink wine. folds over questionP3: What is a typical Sunday morning activity? folds over P2's answerP4: Going to church.And so on and so forth. Then, when the paper is used up, the person in the circle who gets it has to ask the first question of the "Telephone Oracle" and the last answer. One of our favorites was "Telephone Oracle, what is the meaning of going to college? Answer: Beer." They don't always make as much sense, but it's hilarious.
- No location available


Salad bowl, or whatever it's called. Everybody grabs a scrap of paper and writes down three random unrelated things on the same piece of paper. Papers are put into a salad bowl or comparable receptacle, and everyone splits up into 2 teams (or more).There are 3 rounds - first round is essentially taboo, you can say anything except the words on the paper to make your teammates say the 3 words on the paper. Each person who goes up has a minute to get through as many papers as possible, teams take turns sending up a representative, opposing team has to be quiet while the other team guesses. Each completed paper - meaning all 3 words on the paper have been said - is worth 1 point. The round ends when all the papers have been completed and the salad bowl is empty.Second round you put the same papers from round 1 back into the salad bowl. Then you do essentially the same thing, but you're playing catchphrase now - you can only say one word to make your teammates guess the word (and obviously you can't say the word itself). Each paper is worth 2 points now.Third round is charades, each paper is worth 3 points. It's fun because by this point it's largely memory based, and people are yelling out three random words just from one movement.My friend learned the game at camp as a teenager. But you can also turn it into a drinking game - for every paper that's completed, the other team has to take a shot.
- No location available


Each player writes the name of a famous person (real or fictional) on a post-it note or scrap of paper. They then stick it to the forehead of another player, so that that person can't see it but everyone else can.The aim of the game is to find out whose name is attached to your forehead. You do this by asking yes/no questions, which all the other players answer. If the answer is yes, you can ask another- if it's no, it's the next player's turn.This can end up being hilarious if people ask the right questions. For instance, I once was playing with someone who had "Kermit the Frog" attached to her forehead and asked "Is he white?"
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dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?
!author:: reddit.com


Book cover of "R/AskReddit - What's the Best Boardless, Cardless Game?"




Sardines! It's reverse hide-n-seek. Best played at night. The person who's It hides. Everyone counts. Then, when you find It, you hide with them. Last person to find everyone is the new It.It can be a challenge to find a spot good enough to fit in a bunch of people. And not to giggle as you all get packed in
- No location available


Murder Wink 'emEveryone sits in a circle and draws a piece of paper from a bucket. Most are blank, but one will have an M or something to identify the "murderer." A person is killed when the murderer makes eye contact and winks. The more dramatic and drawn out the death the better. The murder tries to "kill" as many people as they can without anyone seeing who they are and identifying them.
- No location available


My friends and I call this The Greatest Game because we always have the best time! We also play a similar game called Telephone Oracle. The first person writes a question, then the next person answers it and folds over the question. The third person, who only sees the answer, has to write another question that could have that answer. Typical play might be:P1: What is my favorite thing to do?P2: Eat pancakes and drink wine. folds over questionP3: What is a typical Sunday morning activity? folds over P2's answerP4: Going to church.And so on and so forth. Then, when the paper is used up, the person in the circle who gets it has to ask the first question of the "Telephone Oracle" and the last answer. One of our favorites was "Telephone Oracle, what is the meaning of going to college? Answer: Beer." They don't always make as much sense, but it's hilarious.
- No location available


Salad bowl, or whatever it's called. Everybody grabs a scrap of paper and writes down three random unrelated things on the same piece of paper. Papers are put into a salad bowl or comparable receptacle, and everyone splits up into 2 teams (or more).There are 3 rounds - first round is essentially taboo, you can say anything except the words on the paper to make your teammates say the 3 words on the paper. Each person who goes up has a minute to get through as many papers as possible, teams take turns sending up a representative, opposing team has to be quiet while the other team guesses. Each completed paper - meaning all 3 words on the paper have been said - is worth 1 point. The round ends when all the papers have been completed and the salad bowl is empty.Second round you put the same papers from round 1 back into the salad bowl. Then you do essentially the same thing, but you're playing catchphrase now - you can only say one word to make your teammates guess the word (and obviously you can't say the word itself). Each paper is worth 2 points now.Third round is charades, each paper is worth 3 points. It's fun because by this point it's largely memory based, and people are yelling out three random words just from one movement.My friend learned the game at camp as a teenager. But you can also turn it into a drinking game - for every paper that's completed, the other team has to take a shot.
- No location available


Each player writes the name of a famous person (real or fictional) on a post-it note or scrap of paper. They then stick it to the forehead of another player, so that that person can't see it but everyone else can.The aim of the game is to find out whose name is attached to your forehead. You do this by asking yes/no questions, which all the other players answer. If the answer is yes, you can ask another- if it's no, it's the next player's turn.This can end up being hilarious if people ask the right questions. For instance, I once was playing with someone who had "Kermit the Frog" attached to her forehead and asked "Is he white?"
- No location available