Communities = Human Search Engines?

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: community,
!ref:: Communities = Human Search Engines?

Book cover of "Communities = Human Search Engines?"




I sometimes think about communities as human search engines. Groups with trusted relationships and a healthy sense of belonging are a great way for people to answer questions in their lives.
- No location available


Proxy trust works like this: because I trust some people in the group a lot, I extend a bit of trust to most people in the group, even then ones I have never met. Because I believe in the values of the overall group, I trust that people I don’t know will live up to similar values.
- No location available
- trust,


Proxy trust allows for better search results with the human search engine.Let’s say you’re part of a group of 500, in which you have 20 real, trusted relationships. Instead of searching across 20 people, with proxy trust your questions will now be considered by 200, maybe 300 people. That leads to better outcomes and it further strengthens the trust in the group overall.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Communities = Human Search Engines?
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: community,
!ref:: Communities = Human Search Engines?

Book cover of "Communities = Human Search Engines?"




I sometimes think about communities as human search engines. Groups with trusted relationships and a healthy sense of belonging are a great way for people to answer questions in their lives.
- No location available


Proxy trust works like this: because I trust some people in the group a lot, I extend a bit of trust to most people in the group, even then ones I have never met. Because I believe in the values of the overall group, I trust that people I don’t know will live up to similar values.
- No location available
- trust,


Proxy trust allows for better search results with the human search engine.Let’s say you’re part of a group of 500, in which you have 20 real, trusted relationships. Instead of searching across 20 people, with proxy trust your questions will now be considered by 200, maybe 300 people. That leads to better outcomes and it further strengthens the trust in the group overall.
- No location available