The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: effectiveness, impact, productivity, work,
!ref:: The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads

Book cover of "The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads"




Credit card hacking is a prime example of doing $10/hour work. It feels productive (free money!). It releases dopamine (A free flight upgrade!) And it makes you feel like you’re outfoxing a competitor (I got away with THIS!). But it fails to move the needle.
- No location available


$10,000 per hour work is the process of identifying your highest leverage activities and committing a small amount of time to them each day.
- No location available


In reality, it’s a framework to consider a “continuum of impact.” If the numbers feel too big, think of the multipliers instead. If your lowest unit value work is $10/hour (i.e. hitting inbox zero), what’s something that’s 10x more impactful? How about 1,000x more impactful?
- No location available


$10/hour work is busywork. Full stop. A litmus test for $10/hour work is: could I do this hungover? Nuff said.
- No location available
- busyness, work, impact,


(highlight:: $100/hour work
This quadrant is busywork at scale. It’s the domain of productivity gurus, shiny tech tools (like Superhuman, Notion or, Zapier automations, Text Expanders and the budding no-code movement.)
- No location available


$10,000/hour work is the exact opposite of its $10/hour brethren. There’s no swoosh sound when you complete it. Zero dopamine. The results aren’t seen for years, if not decades. So like the proverbial Important, but Not Urgent it becomes easy to kick the can down the road. I’ll “snooze” on my question asking skills for a day. A week. A year. A career.
- No location available
- career, purpose, discipline, achievement, impact,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: effectiveness, impact, productivity, work,
!ref:: The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads

Book cover of "The Magic of Doing $10,000 Per Hour Work | RadReads"




Credit card hacking is a prime example of doing $10/hour work. It feels productive (free money!). It releases dopamine (A free flight upgrade!) And it makes you feel like you’re outfoxing a competitor (I got away with THIS!). But it fails to move the needle.
- No location available


$10,000 per hour work is the process of identifying your highest leverage activities and committing a small amount of time to them each day.
- No location available


In reality, it’s a framework to consider a “continuum of impact.” If the numbers feel too big, think of the multipliers instead. If your lowest unit value work is $10/hour (i.e. hitting inbox zero), what’s something that’s 10x more impactful? How about 1,000x more impactful?
- No location available


$10/hour work is busywork. Full stop. A litmus test for $10/hour work is: could I do this hungover? Nuff said.
- No location available
- busyness, work, impact,


(highlight:: $100/hour work
This quadrant is busywork at scale. It’s the domain of productivity gurus, shiny tech tools (like Superhuman, Notion or, Zapier automations, Text Expanders and the budding no-code movement.)
- No location available


$10,000/hour work is the exact opposite of its $10/hour brethren. There’s no swoosh sound when you complete it. Zero dopamine. The results aren’t seen for years, if not decades. So like the proverbial Important, but Not Urgent it becomes easy to kick the can down the road. I’ll “snooze” on my question asking skills for a day. A week. A year. A career.
- No location available
- career, purpose, discipline, achievement, impact,