How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: co-creation, community, community building,
@ref:: How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?

Book cover of "How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?"




We shouldn’t assume that everyone wants to or should co-create. There is usually a small sub-group of people who actually enjoys co-creating a group’s strategy or experience. Most people don’t really care and are way more excited to just be the community, enjoy the community, engage in the community, not talk about it in theory.
- No location available


People are busy. They need to know what their time investment will be. These processes should be quick sprints rather than long-winded marathons. The invitation should also clarify what commitment is asked to be part of co-creating: how many sessions, how many hours, any work between the sessions?
- No location available


Will the sub-group decide themselves or will they create a proposal that then gets voted on by the bigger whole?
- No location available


An example for an invitation to co-create We want to clarify our shared purpose, principles & who this group is for. We want to sharpen them together and we are doing an open call for anyone who is energized to join the co-creation process. Who wants to actively help shape this? We propose to do this as a journey with 6 calls of 90 minutes spread out over three months. The invitation is to actively participate in 5 out of 6 calls. The calls will happen on the following dates… The calls themselves will be hosted by A and B, who will facilitate the conversations and take the lead on creating proposals. At the end of this process we’ll share a proposal with the whole group and then we’ll decide by consent decision making. We’ll wrap this cycle up by April 2023. Would you be energized to co-create? Or maybe you’d be interested to help host the process? Let us know and we’d love to include you.
- No location available
- co-creation, community stewardship, invitation, phrasing,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?
source: inoreader

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: co-creation, community, community building,
@ref:: How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?

Book cover of "How Can We Make Co-Creation in Community Less Exhausting?"




We shouldn’t assume that everyone wants to or should co-create. There is usually a small sub-group of people who actually enjoys co-creating a group’s strategy or experience. Most people don’t really care and are way more excited to just be the community, enjoy the community, engage in the community, not talk about it in theory.
- No location available


People are busy. They need to know what their time investment will be. These processes should be quick sprints rather than long-winded marathons. The invitation should also clarify what commitment is asked to be part of co-creating: how many sessions, how many hours, any work between the sessions?
- No location available


Will the sub-group decide themselves or will they create a proposal that then gets voted on by the bigger whole?
- No location available


An example for an invitation to co-create We want to clarify our shared purpose, principles & who this group is for. We want to sharpen them together and we are doing an open call for anyone who is energized to join the co-creation process. Who wants to actively help shape this? We propose to do this as a journey with 6 calls of 90 minutes spread out over three months. The invitation is to actively participate in 5 out of 6 calls. The calls will happen on the following dates… The calls themselves will be hosted by A and B, who will facilitate the conversations and take the lead on creating proposals. At the end of this process we’ll share a proposal with the whole group and then we’ll decide by consent decision making. We’ll wrap this cycle up by April 2023. Would you be energized to co-create? Or maybe you’d be interested to help host the process? Let us know and we’d love to include you.
- No location available
- co-creation, community stewardship, invitation, phrasing,