How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: attention, education, work,
@ref:: How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education

Book cover of "How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education"




Davidson uses the insights from these experiments as a lens through which to examine the nature and evolution of attention, noting that the educational system is driven by very rigid expectations of what “attention” is and how it reflects “intelligence,” a system in which students who fail to meet these expectations and pay attention differently are pigeonholed somehow deficient of aberrant, square pegs in round holes. Yet neuroscience is increasingly indicating that our minds pay attention in a myriad different ways, often non-linear and simultaneous, which means that the academy and the workplace will have to evolve in parallel and transcend the 20th-century linear assembly-line model for eduction and work.
- No location available
- norms, work, intelligence, attention, education,

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@links:: attention, education, work,
@ref:: How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education

Book cover of "How the Science of Attention Is Changing Work and Education"




Davidson uses the insights from these experiments as a lens through which to examine the nature and evolution of attention, noting that the educational system is driven by very rigid expectations of what “attention” is and how it reflects “intelligence,” a system in which students who fail to meet these expectations and pay attention differently are pigeonholed somehow deficient of aberrant, square pegs in round holes. Yet neuroscience is increasingly indicating that our minds pay attention in a myriad different ways, often non-linear and simultaneous, which means that the academy and the workplace will have to evolve in parallel and transcend the 20th-century linear assembly-line model for eduction and work.
- No location available
- norms, work, intelligence, attention, education,