The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It

Book cover of "The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It"




Successful enterprises have a cycle of life. Startups build a product or service, enter the market and attract customers. Once they're over these initial hurdles, they enter a growth phase, rapidly increasing their revenue and market share with big gains year-over-year. They continue to work on their product, fine-tuning it as revenue starts to flatten and margins stabilize at lower but still attractive levels.As these companies mature, growth slows even more, eventually flattening out — yet operational expenses continue to climb as they strive to compete with new players in the market. Finally, unable to keep up, burdened with bloated budgets, companies spiral into negative growth, marked by layoffs, high burn rates and eventual bankruptcy or liquidation.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It
source: hypothesis

@tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
@ref:: The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It

Book cover of "The Arc of Company Life - And How to Prolong It"




Successful enterprises have a cycle of life. Startups build a product or service, enter the market and attract customers. Once they're over these initial hurdles, they enter a growth phase, rapidly increasing their revenue and market share with big gains year-over-year. They continue to work on their product, fine-tuning it as revenue starts to flatten and margins stabilize at lower but still attractive levels.As these companies mature, growth slows even more, eventually flattening out — yet operational expenses continue to climb as they strive to compete with new players in the market. Finally, unable to keep up, burdened with bloated budgets, companies spiral into negative growth, marked by layoffs, high burn rates and eventual bankruptcy or liquidation.
- No location available