What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: personal effectiveness, productivity, saving time, time management,
!ref:: What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum
!author:: forum.effectivealtruism.org


Book cover of "What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum"




Order groceries online! Maybe this is obvious but I have the impression not as many ppl do this as they should. Saves me at least 1 hr (usually closer to 2) for < $20
- No location available


A big one for me is Premium Youtube which lets you listen to videos with the screen off and gives me access to all youtube lectures as if they were podcasts (there are a surprising number of high quality informational videos that can be listened to!)
- No location available


make slack time more useful by listening to stuff. Mix of podcast, audiobooks, youtube and text to speech of articles. I use a mix of Pocket, Speechify and Voicedream for the latter. I invested in noise-cancelling earbuds and (separately) found some pretty cheap earbuds you can wear in the shower
- No location available


Buying a $15 sleep mask + ear plugs = higher quality sleep = less time spent sleeping
- No location available


I think saving money and putting it into index funds perhaps the best way you can buy time with money. It will literally save you decades of 40 hour weeks over the course of your life.
- No location available


Taskrabbit for everything: The central use case of Taskrabbit is handyman stuff, like assembling furniture or putting up shelves. But you can use it for almost any well-defined task, including online stuff. I've only used it for a couple of tasks so far, but have a number of other things I'm hoping to try. So far I've used Taskrabbit for:Finding me a flu vaccination appointment when the local pharmacy didn't have any;Picking up medical prescriptions (basically paying someone else to be bored waiting in line for me).
- No location available


Hiring an outsider (e.g. a coach or a psychologist) to go through all relevant and most time consuming parts of your work / life. Just explaining each stream to an outsider is likely to help clarify your priorities, leave out less important ones and make sure you really are doing the most important things
- No location available


Get a dishwasher if you don't have one.
- No location available


Get the fastest possible laptop (assuming most of your work is done online).
- No location available
- productivity,


Instacart - ~$40/mo, to save me ~3hrs/mo (good idea as long as you value your time at >$13/hr)
- No location available
- groceries, food, cooking, saving time,


Meal replacement shakes like Queal, Huel, Soylent or Jimmy Joy are a big one for me.
- No location available


I would suggest using this Free-Time Value Calculator from Clearer Thinking which uses several thought experiments to further prime and clarify your intuitions into one central Free-Time Value.
- No location available
- time management, opportunity cost,


Here are other lists that would be worth consulting for that purpose:https://milan.cvitkovic.net/writing/things_youre_allowed_to_do/"Katja Grace’s How to trade money and timeSam Bowman’s Things I Recommend You Buy and UseRob Wiblin channeling SamArden Koehler channeling RobArden Koehler channeling herselfSam Bowman channeling himselfEstimated hourly costs of buying free time (see comments)"(The quoted bit is quoting from the first link's list of other links.)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: personal effectiveness, productivity, saving time, time management,
!ref:: What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum
!author:: forum.effectivealtruism.org


Book cover of "What Are Your Favourite Ways to Buy Time? - EA Forum"




Order groceries online! Maybe this is obvious but I have the impression not as many ppl do this as they should. Saves me at least 1 hr (usually closer to 2) for < $20
- No location available


A big one for me is Premium Youtube which lets you listen to videos with the screen off and gives me access to all youtube lectures as if they were podcasts (there are a surprising number of high quality informational videos that can be listened to!)
- No location available


make slack time more useful by listening to stuff. Mix of podcast, audiobooks, youtube and text to speech of articles. I use a mix of Pocket, Speechify and Voicedream for the latter. I invested in noise-cancelling earbuds and (separately) found some pretty cheap earbuds you can wear in the shower
- No location available


Buying a $15 sleep mask + ear plugs = higher quality sleep = less time spent sleeping
- No location available


I think saving money and putting it into index funds perhaps the best way you can buy time with money. It will literally save you decades of 40 hour weeks over the course of your life.
- No location available


Taskrabbit for everything: The central use case of Taskrabbit is handyman stuff, like assembling furniture or putting up shelves. But you can use it for almost any well-defined task, including online stuff. I've only used it for a couple of tasks so far, but have a number of other things I'm hoping to try. So far I've used Taskrabbit for:Finding me a flu vaccination appointment when the local pharmacy didn't have any;Picking up medical prescriptions (basically paying someone else to be bored waiting in line for me).
- No location available


Hiring an outsider (e.g. a coach or a psychologist) to go through all relevant and most time consuming parts of your work / life. Just explaining each stream to an outsider is likely to help clarify your priorities, leave out less important ones and make sure you really are doing the most important things
- No location available


Get a dishwasher if you don't have one.
- No location available


Get the fastest possible laptop (assuming most of your work is done online).
- No location available
- productivity,


Instacart - ~$40/mo, to save me ~3hrs/mo (good idea as long as you value your time at >$13/hr)
- No location available
- groceries, food, cooking, saving time,


Meal replacement shakes like Queal, Huel, Soylent or Jimmy Joy are a big one for me.
- No location available


I would suggest using this Free-Time Value Calculator from Clearer Thinking which uses several thought experiments to further prime and clarify your intuitions into one central Free-Time Value.
- No location available
- time management, opportunity cost,


Here are other lists that would be worth consulting for that purpose:https://milan.cvitkovic.net/writing/things_youre_allowed_to_do/"Katja Grace’s How to trade money and timeSam Bowman’s Things I Recommend You Buy and UseRob Wiblin channeling SamArden Koehler channeling RobArden Koehler channeling herselfSam Bowman channeling himselfEstimated hourly costs of buying free time (see comments)"(The quoted bit is quoting from the first link's list of other links.)
- No location available