What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum
!author:: forum.effectivealtruism.org


Book cover of "What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum"




A non-automated version of this existed for a time: EA Pen Pals. I used it a couple of times and enjoyed it.
- No location available


Easy, Two-Way Opt-in Intros for Match-makers:-a web service where I enter the e-mail addresses for 2 EAs I think should meet (to collaborate on similar ideas; it's not a dating app!)-each EA receives a personalized email saying that I think they should meet the other and why-recipients can accept, decline, ignore or opt-out completely-only if both recipients accept in a reasonable time frame (say 1 week), does the system generate an automated email to connect them (and possibly auto-schedule if they both have calendly -- see above)
- No location available


EA CoLabsEA CoLabs itself can be framed as a technical problem. It's the problem of optimally matching different skillsets to different projects to maximise utility. You could definitely tackle it from a fun technical perspective (say, using the Hungarian Algorithm for matching, and using the Australian Skills Classification to describe skills).
- No location available


I would be interested in collaborators. Help I would need includes:Actual coding of pedant. Mainly you would need to be familiar with Haskell to the extent that you can code basic parsers.
- No location available


Documentation and recommendations. It would be lovely to get a list of recommendations and best practices for writing cost effectiveness calculations based on what say GiveWell has done. Currently, the only documentation for pedant is the README file on the main page.
- No location available


EA Tech Initiativeshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yzmg02j8PnvjlV_KX3Vf_u9TNdAS63N-9xy2txmTg-A/edit#gid=957019158H/t Jaime Raldua Veuthey
- No location available


(highlight:: Bounty system for stuff like this.
A website with findable bounties for EA goals. If you do the goal you get the bounty.)
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum
!author:: forum.effectivealtruism.org


Book cover of "What Are Your Software Needs? - EA Forum"




A non-automated version of this existed for a time: EA Pen Pals. I used it a couple of times and enjoyed it.
- No location available


Easy, Two-Way Opt-in Intros for Match-makers:-a web service where I enter the e-mail addresses for 2 EAs I think should meet (to collaborate on similar ideas; it's not a dating app!)-each EA receives a personalized email saying that I think they should meet the other and why-recipients can accept, decline, ignore or opt-out completely-only if both recipients accept in a reasonable time frame (say 1 week), does the system generate an automated email to connect them (and possibly auto-schedule if they both have calendly -- see above)
- No location available


EA CoLabsEA CoLabs itself can be framed as a technical problem. It's the problem of optimally matching different skillsets to different projects to maximise utility. You could definitely tackle it from a fun technical perspective (say, using the Hungarian Algorithm for matching, and using the Australian Skills Classification to describe skills).
- No location available


I would be interested in collaborators. Help I would need includes:Actual coding of pedant. Mainly you would need to be familiar with Haskell to the extent that you can code basic parsers.
- No location available


Documentation and recommendations. It would be lovely to get a list of recommendations and best practices for writing cost effectiveness calculations based on what say GiveWell has done. Currently, the only documentation for pedant is the README file on the main page.
- No location available


EA Tech Initiativeshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yzmg02j8PnvjlV_KX3Vf_u9TNdAS63N-9xy2txmTg-A/edit#gid=957019158H/t Jaime Raldua Veuthey
- No location available


(highlight:: Bounty system for stuff like this.
A website with findable bounties for EA goals. If you do the goal you get the bounty.)
- No location available