Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy

Book cover of "Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy"




maintain a portfolio of projects
- No location available
- [note::"My mild obsession with knowledge management will enable me to swiftly keep track of an ever-evolving list portfolio of projects."]


focus on process improvement and change management.
- No location available


support ongoing change management efforts based on guidance from coordinating committee and faculty
- No location available
- [note::"In my role as a manufacturing engineer at The Fredericks Company, I spearheaded the development of strict ultra high vacuum part handling procedure, which required me to set up numerous conversation with production stakeholders across the facility and incorporate their feedback on proposed changes into new manufacturing guidelines."]


best practices/lessons learned across workgroups to improve process going forward
- No location available
- [note::"At the Fredericks Company, I was the first to suggest doing post-mortems after project completions to identify lessons learned. In addition, I am an avid champion for incorporating techniques such as red teaming and murphyjitsu to aid in project planning and decision making processes in order to ensure risks are identified and adequately accounted for."]


(highlight:: Schedule, organize, create materials for, and facilitate coordinating committee meetings
Collate and distribute meeting minutes and action items as warranted)
- No location available
- [note::"As a community organizer of EA Philadelphia, I schedule, organize, and create materials for our monthly operations meetings and strive to employ design thinking and decision making strategies to maximize the value of our meetings." Also consider mentioning something about being worried about group think and possessing a genuine interest in employing pre-meeting surveys to optimize meeting time. Have also made it a habit to collate and distribute meeting minutes to all members and ensure that action items are documented and meeting participants are clear on what they'll be held accountable for.]


Coordinate and support multiple workgroups and guide towards common strategic vision by identifying and collecting relevant data, providing data analysis, soliciting and incorporating key stakeholder feedback, and scheduling, organizing, creating materials for, and facilitating recurring meetings
- No location available
- [note::"As a community coordinator of EA Philadelphia and manufacturing engineer at my current role, I've had to collaborate with numerous different stakeholders, from manufacturing associates to management professionals to volunteers. In particular, I understand the supreme importance of including stakeholders in decision making processes and solicit feedback from community members in order to best support their needs."]


actively seek industry and academic partners across clinical and research processes
- No location available
- [note::As a community organizer, I've regularly sought help from other organizers and reached out to potential speakers and collaborators across the Philadelphia region.]

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy
source: hypothesis

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!ref:: Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy

Book cover of "Project Manager - Omics and Big Data Strategy"




maintain a portfolio of projects
- No location available
- [note::"My mild obsession with knowledge management will enable me to swiftly keep track of an ever-evolving list portfolio of projects."]


focus on process improvement and change management.
- No location available


support ongoing change management efforts based on guidance from coordinating committee and faculty
- No location available
- [note::"In my role as a manufacturing engineer at The Fredericks Company, I spearheaded the development of strict ultra high vacuum part handling procedure, which required me to set up numerous conversation with production stakeholders across the facility and incorporate their feedback on proposed changes into new manufacturing guidelines."]


best practices/lessons learned across workgroups to improve process going forward
- No location available
- [note::"At the Fredericks Company, I was the first to suggest doing post-mortems after project completions to identify lessons learned. In addition, I am an avid champion for incorporating techniques such as red teaming and murphyjitsu to aid in project planning and decision making processes in order to ensure risks are identified and adequately accounted for."]


(highlight:: Schedule, organize, create materials for, and facilitate coordinating committee meetings
Collate and distribute meeting minutes and action items as warranted)
- No location available
- [note::"As a community organizer of EA Philadelphia, I schedule, organize, and create materials for our monthly operations meetings and strive to employ design thinking and decision making strategies to maximize the value of our meetings." Also consider mentioning something about being worried about group think and possessing a genuine interest in employing pre-meeting surveys to optimize meeting time. Have also made it a habit to collate and distribute meeting minutes to all members and ensure that action items are documented and meeting participants are clear on what they'll be held accountable for.]


Coordinate and support multiple workgroups and guide towards common strategic vision by identifying and collecting relevant data, providing data analysis, soliciting and incorporating key stakeholder feedback, and scheduling, organizing, creating materials for, and facilitating recurring meetings
- No location available
- [note::"As a community coordinator of EA Philadelphia and manufacturing engineer at my current role, I've had to collaborate with numerous different stakeholders, from manufacturing associates to management professionals to volunteers. In particular, I understand the supreme importance of including stakeholders in decision making processes and solicit feedback from community members in order to best support their needs."]


actively seek industry and academic partners across clinical and research processes
- No location available
- [note::As a community organizer, I've regularly sought help from other organizers and reached out to potential speakers and collaborators across the Philadelphia region.]