Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: diversity, effective altruism (ea), inclusion,
!ref:: Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive
!author:: EAs for Inclusion

Book cover of "Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive"




(highlight:: Because people outside of the oppressed group do not share the same complex understanding of what ideas form part of an oppressive structure, they may tend to think that the reactions of people within this group to alienating discussions are overreactions. They may even brand the person as being “overly sensitive”, “biased”, “irrational”, or less willing to engage with ideas.
If an EA woman responds dismissively when you suggest that women are not really oppressed, it is easy to think that she is just a rude person. Or perhaps that she has a self-serving bias or doesn’t much care what the truth of the matter is. In reality, it is likely she is acting from extensive experience of having heard that same argument used as a tool to oppress women.)
- No location available


what degree you understand the oppression of a certain underrepresented group in wider society, tends to depend on whether you belong to that group
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive
source: pocket

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: diversity, effective altruism (ea), inclusion,
!ref:: Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive
!author:: EAs for Inclusion

Book cover of "Making Discussions in EA Groups Inclusive"




(highlight:: Because people outside of the oppressed group do not share the same complex understanding of what ideas form part of an oppressive structure, they may tend to think that the reactions of people within this group to alienating discussions are overreactions. They may even brand the person as being “overly sensitive”, “biased”, “irrational”, or less willing to engage with ideas.
If an EA woman responds dismissively when you suggest that women are not really oppressed, it is easy to think that she is just a rude person. Or perhaps that she has a self-serving bias or doesn’t much care what the truth of the matter is. In reality, it is likely she is acting from extensive experience of having heard that same argument used as a tool to oppress women.)
- No location available


what degree you understand the oppression of a certain underrepresented group in wider society, tends to depend on whether you belong to that group
- No location available