Advice for Ambitious Teenagers

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: ambition, career, goals,
!ref:: Advice for Ambitious Teenagers

Book cover of "Advice for Ambitious Teenagers"




Being a TedXYouth speaker should not be your goal. Status is an infinite treadmill. You can spend your entire life trying to chase it and achieve little societal value.
- No location available


Carefully design systems for yourself. You may feel extreme motivation after watching the Social Network movie, but in the 11th hour get bored and tired of chasing down some abstract programming bug - you must ensure that, if there is an important goal you’d like to achieve, the clear-eyed version of yourself sets up a system to ensure that a later, less motivated of yourself will get it done.
- No location available

dg-publish: true
created: 2024-07-01
modified: 2024-07-01
title: Advice for Ambitious Teenagers
source: pocket

!tags:: #lit✍/📰️article/highlights
!links:: ambition, career, goals,
!ref:: Advice for Ambitious Teenagers

Book cover of "Advice for Ambitious Teenagers"




Being a TedXYouth speaker should not be your goal. Status is an infinite treadmill. You can spend your entire life trying to chase it and achieve little societal value.
- No location available


Carefully design systems for yourself. You may feel extreme motivation after watching the Social Network movie, but in the 11th hour get bored and tired of chasing down some abstract programming bug - you must ensure that, if there is an important goal you’d like to achieve, the clear-eyed version of yourself sets up a system to ensure that a later, less motivated of yourself will get it done.
- No location available